
The conservation of objects from marine sites is an involved process. The material type of each artifact, whether it is gold, silver, bronze, iron, pewter, ceramic, or any other material, requires a material-specific conservation procedure. MRR follows the procedural guidelines utilized by the Ships Laboratory under the direction of Donny L. Hamilton through Texas A&M University. A manual containing these laboratory guidelines and procedures is available for review at:
MRR and its affiliates have been involved with conservation facilities for the past 40 years. The recent undertaking in 2013 by MRR members to staff and construct what is likely to be the finest conservation facility in Central America, required input from many specialists. Conservators, archaeologists, curation experts, photographers, construction engineers, as well as many other job-specific experts, were consulted to construct the lab, complete with administrative building, security housing, stabilization tanks, chemical storage, electrolytic reduction room, post-conservation stabilization cases, curation room, numismatic room, photo room and 3-D modeling room.
The work to design, build and maintain a fully functioning conservation laboratory gave MRR's team the experience and expertise to be able to construct a lab in any given location, enabling MRR to complete salvage operations on any project, from research to exhibition.

Before & after views of a conservation laboratory in Panama,
designed and completed by MRR members.