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MRR to Begin Work on the Santa Margarita Site off Key West

MRR is proud to announce that we have signed a contract with Motivation, Inc. to work the famed Santa Margarita wreck site west of Key West, FL. The MRR team has moved the Sea Reaper to Key West and plans to be onsite and actively continuing the search for the missing Margarita treasure by the 13th of September. There is estimated to be 155 silver bars (approximately 70-100lbs) and 80,000 silver coins still to be found.

Captain Dan Porter and archaeologist Jim Sinclair have extensive knowledge and experience working this site with many past successes, and look forward to making new recoveries in the months to come. It has always been an honor and a privilege working with the Fisher family and Motivation, Inc., and MRR looks forward to the opportunity to once again bring the history of this marvelous ship off of the ocean floor for the world to see.

Gold artifacts previously recovered from the Santa Margarita

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